Honeybees Outside Beehive Moss Lane Bees The Home of Pampered Honeybees 5 Frame “National”  Nucleus Colonies

Nuc’s & Bees

Copyright ©| www.mosslanebees.co.uk | 2013

More Beehives & Nuc's at Moss Lane Bees Several Beehives & Nuc's at Moss Lane Bees  Beehives & Nuc's at Moss Lane Bees Some of our Hives and Rearing Nuc’s

Transferring a Nucleus to a Full-Sized Hive

From early Spring each year…We can sometimes offer a limited number of 5-frame nucleus starter colonies (Nuc’s). Each colony will consist of 5x British Standard “National” (DN4) frames housed in a temporary plastic travel box (Corex Box). They will include a Young “Local” Laying & Marked Queen Bee with ample numbers of colony Bees…and frames of brood in different stages of development… and at least one frame of food.

Nuc’s are the perfect choice for the beginner and also for existing beekeepers wishing to increase their stocks. You will require a Full-Sized Hive to transfer your Nucleus colony…so bear this in mind before purchasing a Nuc.

Our Nuc’s are carefully selected from our own breeding stock, with particular emphasis on good temperament, good honey production, low swarming rate & good over-wintering abilities.                

Please Note…Our Nuc’s Cannot Be Reserved In Advance! …They are advertised when (and only when) a colony is ready. Payment is strictly Cash on Collection.

All our Nuc’s are strictly for COLLECTION ONLY from North Shropshire SY12 Postcode…            


                                              2024 Summer Nuc Price… £150                                   


                          Please visit our Facebook or Instagram page for Availability

As we are “Hobby Beekeepers” our stocks are very limited…But we are able to offer some of the Best Prices in the UK.


     Download our Free leaflet giving basic advice on bringing home your Nuc and transferring to a full-sizes hive.

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IMPORTANT NOTE  BEFORE YOU PURCHASE: In the interest of our honeybees welfare please ensure you have the following before purchase: A Full-Sized National Hive with Frames & Foundation, A Suitable Feeder to provide liquid feed and a Basic Knowledge of Beekeeping! We are always more than happy to help New Beekeepers, but we cannot provide Mentoring/Training….and we strongly advise Joining your local British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) club for long-term support.